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Blaenoriaethau Ysgol
School Priorities 

Dyma werthusiad o flaenoriaeth ysgol 2023-2024


Ar ein cynllun datblygu ni eleni roedden ni wedi cynnwys y blaenoriaethau canlynol:

  • Gwella sgiliau ymholi gwyddonol

  • Gwella creadigedd pob dysgwr trwy gyd-weithio gyda Chyngor y Celfyddydau.

  • Cydweithio’n effeithiol gydag ysgolion eraill wrth ddatblygu a gwerthuso ein cwricwlwm ni yn Ysgol Llanilar.


Dyma rai pwyntiau rydym wedi gweithredu fel ymateb i’r blaenoriaethau yma:  

  • Mae heriau gwyddonol wedi bod yn flaenllaw wrth ddatblygu themau eleni.

  • Mae’r ymweliadau ac ymwelwyr wedi cefnogi’r gweithgareddau gwyddonol. Er enghraifft, gweithdy gan RAF Museum Learning a chymryd rhan yn wythnos wyddoniaeth Prifysgol Aberystwyth.

  •  Mae dosbarth Barti Ddu wedi arwain prosiect gyda Heledd Watkins o Gyngor y Celfyddydau i ysgrifennu stori a chyfansoddi cân am yr ardal leol.

  •   Mae pob plentyn wedi dysgu am artistiaid o Gymru ac wedi ail-greu eu gwaith. Cafodd rhain eu harddangos yn ystod Gŵyl y Gwanwyn.

  •  Mae pob disgybl wedi cael cyfleoedd amrywiol i berfformio a chystadlu.

  • Mae’r ysgol wedi cydweithio gydag ysgolion eraill ar draws Ceredigion a Chymru.

  • Mae aelodau o staff wedi rhannu arfer dda sydd yn digwydd yn yr ysgol gydag ysgolion eraill ar draws Cymru. 


Here is an evaluation of our school priorities 2023-24


On our development plan this year we had included these priorities:

  •  Improve scientific inquiry skills.

  • Improve the creativity of all learners by working with the Arts Council.

  • Collaborate effectively with other schools to develop and evaluate our curriculum at Ysgol Llanilar.


Here are some points to support how we have implemented these priorities:

  • Scientific challenges have been prominent in developing this year's themes.

  • School visits and visitors have supported the scientific activities. For example, a workshop by RAF Museum Learning and taking part in Aberystwyth University's science week.

  • Barti Ddu class has led a project with Heledd Watkins from the Arts Council to write a story and compose a song about the local area. All children have learned about artists from Wales and recreated their work. These were exhibited during the Spring Festival.

  • All pupils have had various opportunities to perform and compete.

  • The school has collaborated with other schools across Ceredigion and Wales.

  • Members of staff have shared good practice that takes place in the school with other schools across Wales.​

Blaenoriaethau Ysgol 2024-2025​​​

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